Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Zombie Killings - Jasoos Metro Singh Case stories (unfinished draft)

It was a case of re-murder which was the culprit behind Metro's interrupted siesta. This was definitely not a good omen, for Metro severly disliked anyone , or anything breaking his siesta.Kitty was going to pay dearly for this, he swore.

  He tried sleeping once again, thinking that this was probably a crank call , but when his GhanChakkar rang once more , singing that horribly irritating ad jingle about ZomCreme ( Eternal Shine for that ravaged zombie skin !! ting tong !! )

He just had it !!!! why didn't kitty pick up the damn call ??

Rubbing his Dry, redddening eyes (forgot those damn eyedrops again !) and cursing Kitty in seven languages, Metro activated the GhanChakkar.

"Kitty !!! Kitttyyyyyyy!!! Damn you, you ugly kitten !!......."No meows in reply... she must have gone to hunt. Seemed that she had relapsed again. 

  Kitty was a genetically enhanced secretary cat which his mum had gifted him when he started his detective agency. His mum , the only person that believed in him ( god bless her unzombified soul), must be sorely disappointed in him right now, Metro thought dejectedly.

Unfortunately, Kitty was one of the earlier editions the company brought out (Gen I ) and had this recurring problem of reverting back to her animalistic nature, and going wild once again. She went off at times to hunt a mouse, leaving her desk, and his calls unattended....

  The Company offered a solution, an injection which temporarily restored the genetic codes... but it cost money.....and money was a distant dream these days....

"You have a virtual visitor" The GhanChakkar AI (artificial intelligence) announced in typical fake cheery voice.

  " The Hell!!" he croaked. " This better not be  one of those Zombie Baba Bhakt Enlisters... or those Zombie Revivalist Nuts.... or I'd kill them with my virtual hands, if I find out they've disturbed my beauty sleep"

Jasoos Metro Singh ( JaMeS in short, to his friends ) was no handsome hero though... he had no beauty, so no beauty sleep was requited .... standing at 5'1 ( with his platform shoes ) stubby  and balding in his late thirties, Metro's only defining feature was his prominent nose ( explained his nosiness, thus the choice of profession :P..) and , of course, the name ..Metro...

   Loving his mum might be, but she really drew the short straw while deciding the name of her only son. The reason ?... She owed her,and her newborn son's life to Delhi Metro... after all, it was the staff, and her co-pasangers, who delivered the baby boy in this world.... on board a metro from Rithala To Chawdi Baazar ......

And now , when he had seen the end of world as we knew , with the dead walking amongst us again and zombies no longer a fiction of kid's storybooks, Metro was sure none of these things mattered anyways.... people had now been shocked beyond shocking....  

  A name like metro singh...  quite normal , actually , considering that half the world's population is dead, and doesn't know it....

                                         But the world moved on.... humans are a resilent race, nothing could shock us for long....        
Now we have Zombie sterelization centres ( to desensetize your domesticated, or near and dear zombies lower jaw, making them no longer an active threat ).....        
We have Zombie Daycare centres , zombie lost and found beaureaus , zombie skin creams ( stops dead zombie skin from flaking ! )......                                                         

        Trust us humans to take an apocalypse, and make money out of it......

For Metro, who always just scraped by, last few months have been difficult.... no new cases, no domesticated zombie abductions, no jealous husbands suspecting their wives having an affair with neighbor's mindless zombie husband (True ! as far as discreet goes, domesticated zombies are the best bet in town ,fabulous for an illicit relationship... no mind to speak of... and no mouth jo jabber your secrets away !!! ).....

           not even missing zombie cases....

  His bills were piling up.. kitty was going wild... and.. and....

  The caller was a lady.... or not... since it was a virtual call, you were never sure... her avatar was of a lady though... an old fashioned one at that.... wearing a saree... a dress not much in vougue these days ( a wild zombie running behind you, wearing a saree maakes you zombie fodder most of the time.... duh......)
" Jasoos Metro Singh at your service maam, how can I help you ?..." he said in his best courteous manner , a task very difficult to him these days.

" My... my late husband is missing......I... I am afraid ... he.......he has been killed once again....." She said in a hesistant, but cultured and compoesd tone.......